8 fun facts about baby dinosaurs

When we think of dinosaurs, we picture huge animals that dominated the earth’s landscape millions of years ago. But even the largest dinosaurs started out as little babies that hatched from eggs. Scientists don’t know an awful lot about baby dinosaurs, so they have to make informed guesses based on the fossil record and their knowledge of modern animals. Let’s take a look at what we know so far about baby dinosaurs. 


1. Early baby dinosaurs hatched alone

It’s thought many of the earliest baby dinosaurs were abandoned as eggs and left to fend for themselves after hatching. Eggs were laid in large clutches and the young dinos had to learn quickly how to fend for themselves - much like modern turtles. 

2. Later dinosaurs had parental care

As dinosaurs evolved, so did their reproductive habits. Species such as Troodon, Oviraptor and Citipati have been found sitting on their eggs and probably protected their babies to some degree once they’d hatched. 

3. Survival rates were probably low

Even with a little parental care, the odds were against baby dinosaurs. Scientists looking at baby Maiasaura in 2015 found that the youngsters only had a 10.1% chance of survival in their first year. It’s likely that other species had similar survival rates.  

4. Some young dinos survived in groups

The fossilised remains of various groups of young dinosaurs have been found, suggesting that perhaps some species banded together. It’s thought Protoceratops and Psittacosaurus may have formed groups as juveniles. 

5. Sometimes baby dinosaurs got eaten

We tend to think of dinosaurs as the ones that ate other animals, but sometimes babies were preyed on by mammals. The remains of an opossum-sized mammal were found in 2000 with a half-digested Psittacosaurus in its gut. 

6. Baby hadrosaurs won the growth race

Baby hadrosaurs (duck-billed dinos) didn’t have defence mechanisms like other dinosaurs. Instead, a 2008 study suggests that they defended themselves by outgrowing their predators, reaching full size at perhaps five times the rate of tyrannosaurs. 

7. Baby tyrannosaurs were the size of a Border Collie

Research from Edinburgh University found that baby tyrannosaurs (cousin of the T-Rex) were only the size of a Border Collie dog when they emerged into the world. Despite being the largest hatchlings known to have existed, they still had a lot of growing to do to reach their adult size of 14m long. 


8. Some babies were bushy-tailed

Some dino species, such as Sciurumimus (meaning ‘squirrel mimic’) and even T-Rex grew a layer of downy, feather-like structures on their bodies as youngsters. 


Meet some dinosaurs

If you’re looking for family things to do in the UK, don’t miss Dinosaur World Live. This family theatre show is currently touring the UK and is a great introduction to these fascinating reptiles. At 55 minutes long with no interval, it’s perfectly suited to kids aged three and up, and features favourites such as T-Rex, Triceratops, Microraptor and more. Search ‘family theatre near me’ and book tickets at your local venue today.