9 of the fastest dinosaurs ever

Many of us have wondered what walking with dinosaurs live might be like. How far could we plod alongside a herd of Brachiosaurus? Could we outrun a T-Rex if the need arose? (Spoiler alert, it may actually be possible). But how fast were the fastest dinosaurs and how do they compare to today’s best runners in the animal kingdom? Let’s take a look.



Nanotyrannus was a type of tyrannosaur and lived during the Late Cretaceous period. It’s thought to have been the fastest dinosaur of all, reaching speeds of up to 50 mph. That means it would still be outrun by a cheetah today, but it could certainly match a lion or a wildebeest for speed. 



With its slender body and strong back legs, Ornithomimus could reach a top speed of around 43 mph. It may have looked like a modern ostrich - and it would prove a match for one in a race too. 



Another dinosaur that resembled an ostrich, Saurornithoides was around two metres tall and had a bird-like body and long tail. It could run up to 40 mph, meaning it could comfortably put a coyote or tiger through its paces. 


This small Cretaceous dinosaur was about the height of a man, but could easily outrun one. Able to hit a top speed of 37 mph, it matched deer and hyenas when it comes to speed. 


Roaming Late Cretaceous South America, Carnotaurus had strong legs and stiff tail to facilitate bursts of speed of up to 35 mph. That’s the same pace that your average rabbit can reach. 


Being a large carnivore, it’s no surprise that Gorgosaurus was a little slower than some of the more bird-like dinosaurs. Nevertheless, this theropod is thought to have been able to reach 30 mph over short distances, which is a similar pace to a domestic cat or a Border Collie dog. 



A Late Cretaceous, turkey-sized predator, Velociraptor has been estimated to reach a respectable 25 mph. While this theropod would be able to catch up with an elephant, in a sprint it could have been outrun by Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt in his prime. Bolt set the record as the world’s fastest human in 2009, reaching 27.8 mph. 



One of the most successful predators of the Jurassic period, Allosaurus was a large theropod that was surprisingly quick. Despite weighing 2,000kg, it could sprint up to 21 mph. Today a much smaller reptile - the black spiny-tailed iguana - runs just as fast. 


A Middle Jurassic meat-eater, Megalosaurus is thought to have reached speeds of up to 20 mph thanks to its strong limbs and heavy tail. A cow can move at a similar pace when the need arises. 


Walk with dinosaurs 

If you don’t fancy your chances in a race against a dinosaur, but the idea of a walking with dinosaurs theatre show appeals, don’t miss Dinosaur World Live. Currently touring the UK, this dinosaur adventure live introduces families to a host of prehistoric reptiles, allowing you to dive into their wonderful world. Book tickets at your local theatre today.