Keeping kids entertained during lockdown is not easy. It can be tricky to know what you can and can’t do during the pandemic. But don’t worry as this blog will provide you with some top ideas.


1. Head to London for Dinosaur World Live


Being at home all day is sure to get tedious. So how about a kids’ day out in London? So long as you socially distance, wear a mask when necessary and wash your hands, there’s no reason why you can’t head to the Enfield for some fun. Things to do in Enfield include a roar-some outdoor theatre experience. Take your kids to see the Dinosaur Show London at The Drive In and enjoy interactive, family-friendly entertainment from the comfort of your car. The show is performed live on stage with the sound transmitted directly through you FM radio.


Ideal for ages 3+, Dinosaur World Live is educational and visually impressive. Discover your favourite Jurassic creatures with life-like puppets taking to the stage to keep you entertained. Meet Segnosaurus, Triceratops and the ferocious T-Rex. As a contact-free, drive-in theatre experience, you can stay a safe distance from others while experiencing the best of outdoor theatre.


2. Encourage Imaginative Play


Children have vivid imaginations. So, after watching Dinosaur World Live, or to fill up a morning, why not get out any dinosaur figures you own and encourage the children to play?


To make things even more exciting, you could try making a Dinosaur Land out of papier mache. There are loads of ideas on sites like Pinterest if you need inspiration. But one of the easiest things to do is to tape various objects to a large sheet of cardboard. This could include sections form a cardboard egg box, yoghurt pots, small bottles and such like. From there, you cover the whole thing in papier mache. It will probably need multiple layers. Once dry, you’ll have a solid, bumpy dinosaur landscape which you can paint and play with.


Another great dinosaur-related activity is to lay a sheet of paper outside and position dinosaur figures so that they cast a shadow on the paper. You can then encourage your children to draw round the shadows to create their very own dinosaur artwork.


3. Get Active


During the pandemic, it can be easy to lounge around and sit on gadgets all day. This can lead to obesity and poor lifestyle habits. So, try to get active whenever you can. Top ideas include putting on a child-friendly exercise video. There are loads of home workouts for children on YouTube. Check out the playlists by Joe Wicks, The Body Coach, who kept the world moving during the pandemic.


If you’ve a garden, you could also set up obstacle courses, water games and gym sessions in the garden, especially when the weather is good. Or, head out for a family walk in the countryside. Spend time mapping out rural routes near you and explore places you’ve never been before. Bike riding and rollerblading are some other activities that your children might enjoy.


Are you looking for a kids’ day out in London? Come join us and experience a fantastic Dinosaur showing in London. Book your tickets to Dinosaur World Live today!