What would life be like with dinosaurs today?

When Jurassic Park hit cinemas in 1993, it posed the question, “What would life be like if humans and dinosaurs coexisted?” Since then, adults and children alike have imagined what a family fun day out at the local dinosaur park might look like. Today’s children can get a taste of this at Dinosaur World Live, a stage show about Miranda, the daughter of palaeontologists, who introduces families to the dinosaurs she grew up with on a far-away island. 

But what would a world with dinosaurs and humans really look like? Let’s find out. 


Changing climates

The mass extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs occurred some 65 million years ago. That means that if dinosaurs had survived, they would have had to continue evolving to cope with all the geological and climate changes that Earth went through up to the present day. 

Around 34 million years ago the planet became cooler and drier than in the dinosaur age, and wide grasslands developed. Some palaeontologists suggest that faster-moving and duck-billed dinosaurs would have thrived in this environment, and that large sauropods like Brachiosaurus and Diplodocus may have evolved shorter necks and squared-off snouts to help them graze. 

In the past 2.6 million years the world has experienced extensive ice ages, which the dinosaurs would again have had to adapt to. It’s possible species such as Velociraptor would have developed woolly coats or used burrowing behaviours to stay warm. In the oceans, dinosaurs like Ankylosaurus may have evolved to live entirely at sea, coming to land only to lay eggs. 

Meanwhile, studies have also shown that the oxygen levels in the air during the Cretaceous period were at around 35%, compared to levels of 21% today. This would also have impacted how dinosaurs evolved.


Intelligent dinos

Dinosaurs were not the smartest of creatures, but some scientists argue that, had they survived until today, some would have developed more intelligence. It’s possible that dinos with complex brains - similar to crows, parrots and primates - could have developed the ability to problem-solve. 


Dinosaurs and humans

Assuming dinosaurs made it to the present day, it’s believed by many palaeontologists that few of the largest species would be around. As humans spread and evolved, it’s likely we may have hunted large dinosaurs for food - just as we hunted other megafauna to the brink of extinction. Imagine a ‘Save the T-Rex’ foundation!

Smaller, non-avian dinosaurs may have adapted to living in urban environments, just like squirrels, foxes and racoons, while larger ones may still be at home in our oceans, swimming alongside whales and turtles. Meanwhile, at the end of the Cretaceous, small theropods (meat-eaters) were already scampering about in trees, so wildlife safaris might include spotting these alongside primates. As Dr Ian Malcom states in Jurassic Park, “Life finds a way”!


Discover dinosaurs near you

Dinosaur enthusiasts can enjoy a roarsome family day out at Dinosaur World Live. Currently touring the UK, it’s perfect for kids aged three and up, introducing them to some of their favourite dinos in an interactive and engaging setting. Search ‘family show near me’ and book tickets today.